C.L. Thomas was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After graduating from Belmont University, she moved to Nashville in pursuit of a career in communications and photojournalism where she lived for fifteen years. C.L. travels widely as a fine arts photographer and writer exploring various afterlife research, OBEs, metaphysics, folklore, and paranormal events and group. She is the host of Small Town Tales Podcast, content writer for entertainment, and author. Her latest book, Speaking to Shadows will be released Feb. 25, 2022. Currently, she resides in Las Vegas, Nevada with her beloved golden retriever and maine coon cat.
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Love the paranormal but tired of hearing the same Hollywood stories over and over? Welcome to Small Town Tales podcast, the show where we hear stories of paranormal tales, haunting legends, and all things spiritual. I explore the paranormal through small-town lore, local artists, spiritual healers, and real investigators--not as seen on TV!
New Release
with Foreword by Dave Schrader
Dancing with Demons
My earliest memory is of an entity standing over my crib. However, unlike most stories from people who've had similar experiences growing up with the paranormal, It wasn't until I moved into a rental house in Nashville, Tennessee that I learned to be afraid.
A Haunting Memoir
out now!
Dancing With Demons
This has been a hard piece to write for many reasons. When you dig too deep into the spirit world and expose evil, they tend to lash back in specific areas of your life. I have not set a date for release but plan to put it back out this Fall.
a paranormal encounter
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